
Penguin Flying

Penguin Flying

Another copy of the original cell Yetisports 4: Albatros Overload with Yeti in the lead role. This time the task is to kick a penguin into the air directly into the beak of albatross flying above. Each bird a can fetch you far differently in its beak, the goal is to get as far as possible, of course. If you lose your height, you can still spur the bird by a wave of bird wings. Who likes the Yeti series, can not let this piece on his cell phone missing.
Another copy of the original cell Yetisports 4: Albatros Overload with Yeti in the lead role. This time the task is to kick a penguin into the air directly into the beak of albatross flying above. Each bird a can fetch you far differently in its beak, the goal is to get as far as possible, of course. If you lose your height, you can still spur the bird by a wave of bird wings. Who likes the Yeti series, can not let this piece on his cell phone missing.

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