
Sallys Salon Luxury Demo

Sallys Salon Luxury Demo

A beauty saloon where you have to deal with stress and have swift hand. After opening, first customers appear and the work begins. You start washing theirs heads, drying, cutting and of course earning some money. The customers don't want to wait forever and so their mood can go really bad. For me to catch all the things that must be done was almost impossible. This is the first time I have played similar game on Androind phone and I was surprised that it's only demo but still it offers many possibilities.
A beauty saloon where you have to deal with stress and have swift hand. After opening, first customers appear and the work begins. You start washing theirs heads, drying, cutting and of course earning some money. The customers don't want to wait forever and so their mood can go really bad. For me to catch all the things that must be done was almost impossible. This is the first time I have played similar game on Androind phone and I was surprised that it's only demo but still it offers many possibilities.

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Sallys Salon Luxury Demo Sallys Salon Luxury Demo Sallys Salon Luxury Demo Sallys Salon Luxury Demo Sallys Salon Luxury Demo

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