
Saving Avatar Beta

Saving Avatar Beta

Welcome and listen. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't really know why in this game a blue creature shoots from a bow on other creatures, who try to hang themselves. Is this some kind of essential twist in the movie? Please don't kill anyone, instead just hit the rope and save all. It is quite difficult to master and obstacles make it even harder. After some practice I guarantee you will find some kind of magic in this game. Whole game is rather average.
Welcome and listen. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't really know why in this game a blue creature shoots from a bow on other creatures, who try to hang themselves. Is this some kind of essential twist in the movie? Please don't kill anyone, instead just hit the rope and save all. It is quite difficult to master and obstacles make it even harder. After some practice I guarantee you will find some kind of magic in this game. Whole game is rather average.

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