
Space Man

Space Man

An interesting game Space Man will catch your attention by original idea. Slightly brutal setting of the game creates good suspense and grip. You control an avatar. You can move only left and or right. Your enemy is a ceiling, which is collapsing constantly. This is it, you must dodge and hide, before it kills you. There are some places, which you can use. The decision, which one is up to you. How high score can you get?
An interesting game Space Man will catch your attention by original idea. Slightly brutal setting of the game creates good suspense and grip. You control an avatar. You can move only left and or right. Your enemy is a ceiling, which is collapsing constantly. This is it, you must dodge and hide, before it kills you. There are some places, which you can use. The decision, which one is up to you. How high score can you get?

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