
TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite)

TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite)

Move and lean the display and handle with a ball. In the game area coins are spread and controlling the ball you try to collect them. The sensitivity is really sensitive and the are isn't too big. What's important is the colour. The coins have different colour and you have to collect them only with same coloured ball. That's only the first round, what awaits you more is only for your eyes.
Move and lean the display and handle with a ball. In the game area coins are spread and controlling the ball you try to collect them. The sensitivity is really sensitive and the are isn't too big. What's important is the colour. The coins have different colour and you have to collect them only with same coloured ball. That's only the first round, what awaits you more is only for your eyes.

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TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite) TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite) TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite) TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite) TCH: Coins Hunter (Lite)

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