
Yoo Ninja! FREE

Yoo Ninja! FREE

Here you start running and stop only in the end, well if you reach it. You have to to get over quite harsh terrain and the only way to pass it, is to change the gravity. The big pro of the game is its smoothness. The levels are short but not separated. You have to deal with some critical places where the timing and well stepped jump is needed. The beginning is quite slow but you gain some speed points. If the main mode is too easy for you the second mode gives you chance to set it up.
Here you start running and stop only in the end, well if you reach it. You have to to get over quite harsh terrain and the only way to pass it, is to change the gravity. The big pro of the game is its smoothness. The levels are short but not separated. You have to deal with some critical places where the timing and well stepped jump is needed. The beginning is quite slow but you gain some speed points. If the main mode is too easy for you the second mode gives you chance to set it up.

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