
Yoo Ninja Plus

Yoo Ninja Plus

Why not to have some jogging and running? But it's going to be a bit dangerous. Control a ninja is rapid tempo through levels where you change the gravitation to get pass the traps. You can be harmed by spikes, holes and things that cannot be jumped over. Just tap the display and you change the gravitation. Thanks the terrain you have to be quick and deciding correctly. You can use the original game Yoo Ninja! Free but this game looks a bit more difficult
Why not to have some jogging and running? But it's going to be a bit dangerous. Control a ninja is rapid tempo through levels where you change the gravitation to get pass the traps. You can be harmed by spikes, holes and things that cannot be jumped over. Just tap the display and you change the gravitation. Thanks the terrain you have to be quick and deciding correctly. You can use the original game Yoo Ninja! Free but this game looks a bit more difficult

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