
Alchemy ~ Genetics

Alchemy ~ Genetics

The core of this game is to combine animals and create new types and kinds. This new type can be used in another combinations and the number of the finals results is 400! All these can be found and created. Use the help icon on the right side. The more types you have the more confusing they become. You can solve this problem by choosing some pieces and you use only them. It's not an easy game. It needs patience and some system.
The core of this game is to combine animals and create new types and kinds. This new type can be used in another combinations and the number of the finals results is 400! All these can be found and created. Use the help icon on the right side. The more types you have the more confusing they become. You can solve this problem by choosing some pieces and you use only them. It's not an easy game. It needs patience and some system.

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Alchemy ~ Genetics Alchemy ~ Genetics Alchemy ~ Genetics

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