
Bubble eXplode (Bubbles)

Bubble eXplode (Bubbles)

Bubbles and more bubbles, this theme isn't so original but the catchy gameplay is great. I'm speaking about game where you click on pairs or bigger groups of the same coloured bubbles. When you do so they are destroyed and you get some space for new bubble. This Android version offer you few game modes and nice graphic. I cannot turn on the music but it should be in the menu.
Bubbles and more bubbles, this theme isn't so original but the catchy gameplay is great. I'm speaking about game where you click on pairs or bigger groups of the same coloured bubbles. When you do so they are destroyed and you get some space for new bubble. This Android version offer you few game modes and nice graphic. I cannot turn on the music but it should be in the menu.

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Bubble eXplode (Bubbles) Bubble eXplode (Bubbles)

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