
Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite)

Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite)

Sudoku is very popular logic game and, from the first view, nothing has changed here as well. But this version offers something more explosive. You don't fill numbers but coloured bombs. There are nine colours and it's possible to have only one type in the big square. If you make mistake and you put two same colours into one square a big explosion arrives destroying more then one bomb. It's possible to turn off this exploding mode. It's one good Sudoku with great gameplay.
Sudoku is very popular logic game and, from the first view, nothing has changed here as well. But this version offers something more explosive. You don't fill numbers but coloured bombs. There are nine colours and it's possible to have only one type in the big square. If you make mistake and you put two same colours into one square a big explosion arrives destroying more then one bomb. It's possible to turn off this exploding mode. It's one good Sudoku with great gameplay.

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Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite) Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite) Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite) Cosmic Mines 2 (Lite)

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