
Dr. Droid (Free Version)

Dr. Droid (Free Version)

Do you remember Dr. Mario, who created cure for viruses and so he got rid of them? This is the same, you can see several viruses in the game area. You move and put coloured pills where it's needed and you have to connect the same colours and so destroy the viruses. You can move the cure by touching but it's really tough so you should prefer to use symbols.
Do you remember Dr. Mario, who created cure for viruses and so he got rid of them? This is the same, you can see several viruses in the game area. You move and put coloured pills where it's needed and you have to connect the same colours and so destroy the viruses. You can move the cure by touching but it's really tough so you should prefer to use symbols.

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Dr. Droid (Free Version) Dr. Droid (Free Version)

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