
Farma věž

Farma věž

If you want to save this cute creature, it will take some thinking and strategy. Your goal is to clean the tower from a set count of boulders, usually all of them. On the top there are these cute animals and you must make sure no-one falls down. It is quite tricky, as you can try on your own. Besides a strategy it requires swift action. The game screen can be zoomed in and out, which is quite handy feature.
If you want to save this cute creature, it will take some thinking and strategy. Your goal is to clean the tower from a set count of boulders, usually all of them. On the top there are these cute animals and you must make sure no-one falls down. It is quite tricky, as you can try on your own. Besides a strategy it requires swift action. The game screen can be zoomed in and out, which is quite handy feature.

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