
Hamster Homie

Hamster Homie

Do you think it is tough to get on a gang of dwarf lemings? Then wait for this gangster hamster. He is only one, however still goes from here to there dumbly and doesn't notice anything. Everything is on you. By ticking platforms on a display you form a way. You should time the motion, because when one platform rises other vanishes. It is not possible to cheat. There are more kinds of platforms. You meet control points along the way, which you must collect as well as stars. Even the time limit isn't too kind. Enjoy it and I wish you steel nerves, you are going to need it.
Do you think it is tough to get on a gang of dwarf lemings? Then wait for this gangster hamster. He is only one, however still goes from here to there dumbly and doesn't notice anything. Everything is on you. By ticking platforms on a display you form a way. You should time the motion, because when one platform rises other vanishes. It is not possible to cheat. There are more kinds of platforms. You meet control points along the way, which you must collect as well as stars. Even the time limit isn't too kind. Enjoy it and I wish you steel nerves, you are going to need it.

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