


If you want a puzzle mobile phone game then it must be Jigsaroid! I won't explain you how to finish puzzles but let's have a look at the things this puzzle generator offers. The first thing is almost unlimited stock of pictures. The game has its own search system and you just write a key word. You can even use your won picture from the phone. The game will then cut the picture into the classic pieces. The size of the pieces can be set up as well. If the background has similar colour as the picture you can change is as well. There are many more things which improve the gameplay. I'm no puzzle fanatic but I'm keeping this game in the memory.
If you want a puzzle mobile phone game then it must be Jigsaroid! I won't explain you how to finish puzzles but let's have a look at the things this puzzle generator offers. The first thing is almost unlimited stock of pictures. The game has its own search system and you just write a key word. You can even use your won picture from the phone. The game will then cut the picture into the classic pieces. The size of the pieces can be set up as well. If the background has similar colour as the picture you can change is as well. There are many more things which improve the gameplay. I'm no puzzle fanatic but I'm keeping this game in the memory.

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