
Link It

Link It

Combine all the ball on the playing field with one common beam that emanates from the green ball and one has to restore it again. Sounds like a fairly simple matter, but if you belong to those who paint the house in one stroke makes problems , you'll find this game a little more challenging, but fun.

In principle I have outlined the game. The beam pointing here and there and back again, individual rounded points must be rotated accurately. Sometimes there are other objects whose use is necessary, such a mirror. The process from level to level is increasing species of colorful balls, which means their other properties - some round objects are so impermeable, and other more unmovable so like etc. utterly. From my perspective, addictive as well as hilarious puzzle plaything.
Combine all the ball on the playing field with one common beam that emanates from the green ball and one has to restore it again. Sounds like a fairly simple matter, but if you belong to those who paint the house in one stroke makes problems , you'll find this game a little more challenging, but fun.

In principle I have outlined the game. The beam pointing here and there and back again, individual rounded points must be rotated accurately. Sometimes there are other objects whose use is necessary, such a mirror. The process from level to level is increasing species of colorful balls, which means their other properties - some round objects are so impermeable, and other more unmovable so like etc. utterly. From my perspective, addictive as well as hilarious puzzle plaything.

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