
Match Puzzle

Match Puzzle

Puzzles with matches. I must admit, that it is nothing fascinating for me, but when I stumbled upon this game few days ago, I have changed my opinion. It is quite sophisticated. You have three numbers and operand between them. You must relocate one match to give entire expression meaning. Interface is well done, so it is a breeze to change operands. The game is suitable for everyone, with fine soothing tune. Perfect puzzles.
Puzzles with matches. I must admit, that it is nothing fascinating for me, but when I stumbled upon this game few days ago, I have changed my opinion. It is quite sophisticated. You have three numbers and operand between them. You must relocate one match to give entire expression meaning. Interface is well done, so it is a breeze to change operands. The game is suitable for everyone, with fine soothing tune. Perfect puzzles.

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