
Pipe Dreamer Lite

Pipe Dreamer Lite

And once again we have some fun with pipes. Water is coming and you must build all the pipe parts to create the path. This taping must be swift because the parts are changed in every touch. To finish the level, you have to use all the parts once. With all this you can collect bonus points. After losing all lives the game is restarted and you start from beginning.
And once again we have some fun with pipes. Water is coming and you must build all the pipe parts to create the path. This taping must be swift because the parts are changed in every touch. To finish the level, you have to use all the parts once. With all this you can collect bonus points. After losing all lives the game is restarted and you start from beginning.

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Pipe Dreamer Lite Pipe Dreamer Lite Pipe Dreamer Lite

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