


Plumber's also not at all easy. Combine all the pipes properly so that water flowed to the right place and the pipe does not break out anywhere. Try for a moment put yourself in his position, connect differently shaped tubes to create a path from a trigger mechanism to drainpipes. Waiting for you 20 levels, which in terms of complexity gradate, but all can be a bit of logical thinking to solve. Unfortunately the 20 levels will not take much time, so maybe will come soon some encore.
Plumber's also not at all easy. Combine all the pipes properly so that water flowed to the right place and the pipe does not break out anywhere. Try for a moment put yourself in his position, connect differently shaped tubes to create a path from a trigger mechanism to drainpipes. Waiting for you 20 levels, which in terms of complexity gradate, but all can be a bit of logical thinking to solve. Unfortunately the 20 levels will not take much time, so maybe will come soon some encore.

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