
Reversi Free

Reversi Free

Twho players, two types of stone and popular tabletop top for mobile phones, that's Reversi Free. According the players' comments this one of the best Reversi games for Android. You have to take over the opponent's stones using your stones by right and correct placing into the game area. The player with more stones wins. You can play in several difficulties against A.I. or with your friend. The game doesn't allow multiplayer through more phones.
Twho players, two types of stone and popular tabletop top for mobile phones, that's Reversi Free. According the players' comments this one of the best Reversi games for Android. You have to take over the opponent's stones using your stones by right and correct placing into the game area. The player with more stones wins. You can play in several difficulties against A.I. or with your friend. The game doesn't allow multiplayer through more phones.

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