
Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite

Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite

The robot in this puzzle game would like to get to the exit, but prevents him from doing lasers, bombs and other gizmos. Fortunately, you can move around the surrounding blocks, which block the lasers and mirrors, which in turn is twisted into a certain direction. Take care not to block yourself from the objective respectively don't aim beams at each other.

In larger levels free camera view on the board is effective, which will make it easy. Although it is only a lite version, entertainment is guaranteed. High quality cartoon graphics also reflected in the assessment.
The robot in this puzzle game would like to get to the exit, but prevents him from doing lasers, bombs and other gizmos. Fortunately, you can move around the surrounding blocks, which block the lasers and mirrors, which in turn is twisted into a certain direction. Take care not to block yourself from the objective respectively don't aim beams at each other.

In larger levels free camera view on the board is effective, which will make it easy. Although it is only a lite version, entertainment is guaranteed. High quality cartoon graphics also reflected in the assessment.

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Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite Robo 3: Gears of Love - Lite

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