


A great game for your brain. You have a mouse in a maze and you must lead it into the goal. You can move with it only by the arrows which you put all round the place. Their number is limited and finding the right combinations take time. The mouse isn't alone, so don't let it or them touch the enemies. The timing is vital, especially when a cat steps on a arrow and makes it disappear after some time. Enjoy several levels and the level editor.
A great game for your brain. You have a mouse in a maze and you must lead it into the goal. You can move with it only by the arrows which you put all round the place. Their number is limited and finding the right combinations take time. The mouse isn't alone, so don't let it or them touch the enemies. The timing is vital, especially when a cat steps on a arrow and makes it disappear after some time. Enjoy several levels and the level editor.

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