
Smiley Blaster

Smiley Blaster

Shoot balls from a cannon. Aim properly at groups of the same color to erase it and get to next level. All balls must be gone and your ammo is limited, so think ahead, or do it again. Try to be as precise as possible to avoid difficult situations. The game has nice graphics and aiming is done by a touch. Controls are fine and design is fun, you can watch cute smiles performing various actions. I wish you enjoy this game.
Shoot balls from a cannon. Aim properly at groups of the same color to erase it and get to next level. All balls must be gone and your ammo is limited, so think ahead, or do it again. Try to be as precise as possible to avoid difficult situations. The game has nice graphics and aiming is done by a touch. Controls are fine and design is fun, you can watch cute smiles performing various actions. I wish you enjoy this game.

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