
Speed Puzzle

Speed Puzzle

Puzzle is mostly about relaxing activity but this time, you experience stress, hectic and nerves. You have to put together more and more difficult pictures. The first pieces are super easy. Of course, there is a time limit. First tap on a piece means marking it and then you can drag it. The rest from the time is brought into the next level which is always more difficult. Luckily, the pictures are repeated so you should be able to learn them by heart.
Puzzle is mostly about relaxing activity but this time, you experience stress, hectic and nerves. You have to put together more and more difficult pictures. The first pieces are super easy. Of course, there is a time limit. First tap on a piece means marking it and then you can drag it. The rest from the time is brought into the next level which is always more difficult. Luckily, the pictures are repeated so you should be able to learn them by heart.

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