
Light Racer 3D basic

Light Racer 3D basic

A racing game in three dimensions, which suits you for sure. Control small vehicle as it marks its trail with ray of light. When you drive in your opponents light ray or vice versa, it means game over for one, or the other. The problem is you must keep driving and you can only change direction. If you do not have where to turn...If you survive, you can choose from a couple of game modes. In free version there is no multi-player. It is a shame. At least you can play against AI. Control via touch screen, of course, graphics is quality standard, so all in all, it is a solid piece worth playing.
A racing game in three dimensions, which suits you for sure. Control small vehicle as it marks its trail with ray of light. When you drive in your opponents light ray or vice versa, it means game over for one, or the other. The problem is you must keep driving and you can only change direction. If you do not have where to turn...If you survive, you can choose from a couple of game modes. In free version there is no multi-player. It is a shame. At least you can play against AI. Control via touch screen, of course, graphics is quality standard, so all in all, it is a solid piece worth playing.

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Light Racer 3D basic Light Racer 3D basic

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