
Speed Forge 3D Demo

Speed Forge 3D Demo

Amazing 3D races in superb graphic, makes use of all modern advantages of your mobile-phone. Your hovercraft is controlled by leaning your mobile. The opponents can be overtaken or you can destroy them using many weapons. Mines, rockets and other interesting things can be found in boxes through the track. The opponents like taking them too and so they can harm you as well.
Amazing 3D races in superb graphic, makes use of all modern advantages of your mobile-phone. Your hovercraft is controlled by leaning your mobile. The opponents can be overtaken or you can destroy them using many weapons. Mines, rockets and other interesting things can be found in boxes through the track. The opponents like taking them too and so they can harm you as well.

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Speed Forge 3D Demo Speed Forge 3D Demo Speed Forge 3D Demo

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