
Empire Defense

Empire Defense

The medieval strategy in tower defense style. Defend what it gives to the last life through battle towers. These towers have some meaningful place to hit enemies who are trying to walk through in crowds.

Towers there are several types. You buy it or improve for the finances earned of the destroyed soldiers.

Everything is controlled via the touch screen when you press the tower type and drag on the board. For upgrade, or sale, then double-click on a particular object.

Over time, the opponents change, vary, and thus necessarily get tougher. Therefore, it is important to a good start, but that is usually boring. Relieved to report that the acceleration button is present, so you quickly get to the point where the heat is acting up :-).

The last thing are the crystals. For those you can buy another round, towers etc.. I must point out that prices there are rather high and the crystals are obtained in the fight somewhat slower.
The medieval strategy in tower defense style. Defend what it gives to the last life through battle towers. These towers have some meaningful place to hit enemies who are trying to walk through in crowds.

Towers there are several types. You buy it or improve for the finances earned of the destroyed soldiers.

Everything is controlled via the touch screen when you press the tower type and drag on the board. For upgrade, or sale, then double-click on a particular object.

Over time, the opponents change, vary, and thus necessarily get tougher. Therefore, it is important to a good start, but that is usually boring. Relieved to report that the acceleration button is present, so you quickly get to the point where the heat is acting up :-).

The last thing are the crystals. For those you can buy another round, towers etc.. I must point out that prices there are rather high and the crystals are obtained in the fight somewhat slower.

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