
Zenonia Free

Zenonia Free

Do you remember the old Zelda? If not continue reading. If yes download immediately. It is unbelievable but it is truth, the great action RPG has arrived to Android phones. Where to begin? You can choose from three classes - fighter, paladin and thief. The choose is very important because during the game you are going to unlock talents. Something similar is in the game World of Warcraft. For example later in the game the thief gets invisibility. The spells and attributes are interesting and sometimes it is difficult to understand that it is for mobile-phones. In the full version you can await huge world but here in the lite-version you can visit only the first location. The graphic is perfect as the animation and locations. The music in a bit monotonous but still fine. Nice story with romantic twist and quests everywhere, from killing monster to more difficult tasks.
Do you remember the old Zelda? If not continue reading. If yes download immediately. It is unbelievable but it is truth, the great action RPG has arrived to Android phones. Where to begin? You can choose from three classes - fighter, paladin and thief. The choose is very important because during the game you are going to unlock talents. Something similar is in the game World of Warcraft. For example later in the game the thief gets invisibility. The spells and attributes are interesting and sometimes it is difficult to understand that it is for mobile-phones. In the full version you can await huge world but here in the lite-version you can visit only the first location. The graphic is perfect as the animation and locations. The music in a bit monotonous but still fine. Nice story with romantic twist and quests everywhere, from killing monster to more difficult tasks.

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