


Text games are very ignored games this time. There is many jewels of this genre but they are despised by today gamers that wants only nice graphic and nothing else. Luckily there are some witnesses that want to play some text games and for them we brings application called ZeeME. With this you can play old interactive fictions created for ZCode. Don't be afraid if you don't hear about this code - there is many text games for it. Sadly there is some problems with ZeeME but nothing important sou if you want to play, feel free. And by the way... Here and here you can download some games.
Text games are very ignored games this time. There is many jewels of this genre but they are despised by today gamers that wants only nice graphic and nothing else. Luckily there are some witnesses that want to play some text games and for them we brings application called ZeeME. With this you can play old interactive fictions created for ZCode. Don't be afraid if you don't hear about this code - there is many text games for it. Sadly there is some problems with ZeeME but nothing important sou if you want to play, feel free. And by the way... Here and here you can download some games.

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