


Applications testing a system performance are common on PC - but not at mobile phones. Amark is one of few that tries (and according to present experience, good) to test a perforamnce of mobile phone. After running the program, the visual test appear that display a 3D effects, and by time passing draw the polygons, rotate with them, and again draw by many different styles. After finishing, the Amark will show you, how good is your phone. Nothing more, nothing less. Test could be more detail and concrete, but on the other side, we can be happy that this application is for free...
Applications testing a system performance are common on PC - but not at mobile phones. Amark is one of few that tries (and according to present experience, good) to test a perforamnce of mobile phone. After running the program, the visual test appear that display a 3D effects, and by time passing draw the polygons, rotate with them, and again draw by many different styles. After finishing, the Amark will show you, how good is your phone. Nothing more, nothing less. Test could be more detail and concrete, but on the other side, we can be happy that this application is for free...

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