
Adventures of Aggto

Adventures of Aggto

Adventures of Aggto is, among freeware java games, very good piece of fun. Basicaly it's platform game with logical elements, where with your main character you must walk through levels, kill enemies and try to get a key for next level. Graphics are quite nice, as well as music. Beware - you must register on author's homepage, but don't worry; it's still freeware. Enjoy!
Adventures of Aggto is, among freeware java games, very good piece of fun. Basicaly it's platform game with logical elements, where with your main character you must walk through levels, kill enemies and try to get a key for next level. Graphics are quite nice, as well as music. Beware - you must register on author's homepage, but don't worry; it's still freeware. Enjoy!

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Adventures of Aggto Adventures of Aggto Adventures of Aggto

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