


Don't be confused by nothing-telling pictures and quite low rating! Blazers is a game simple, but it offers a few entertaining moments. It has a simple principe: you are in one corner (more exactly, in the middle of screen) and you have to reach the second side... of course, there is a hook. And not only one. The ground you are running on isn't complete. There are some holes which cost you one life. So, just push the buttons and try to not fall... it's challenge, try it!
Don't be confused by nothing-telling pictures and quite low rating! Blazers is a game simple, but it offers a few entertaining moments. It has a simple principe: you are in one corner (more exactly, in the middle of screen) and you have to reach the second side... of course, there is a hook. And not only one. The ground you are running on isn't complete. There are some holes which cost you one life. So, just push the buttons and try to not fall... it's challenge, try it!

All mobile phones with Java support.

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