
Turbo Worm

Turbo Worm

And here comes a game with simple, but addictive theme! This time it's a classic's clone, father of all mobile games - Snake. But Turbo Worm isn't the 100% remake; it's inspirated by the legend in some ways, but there are some different details. The levels are much more bigger and offers much more fun. You will crawl not on one screen, but on several... Graphics are simple, but it's enough. Enjoy!
And here comes a game with simple, but addictive theme! This time it's a classic's clone, father of all mobile games - Snake. But Turbo Worm isn't the 100% remake; it's inspirated by the legend in some ways, but there are some different details. The levels are much more bigger and offers much more fun. You will crawl not on one screen, but on several... Graphics are simple, but it's enough. Enjoy!

All mobile phones supporting MIDP1 or MIDP2.

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