
Becher Sokoban

Becher Sokoban

I have to admit I do like logic games. I even like Sokoban but Becher Sokoban isn't the best. Yes, it contains the sokoban style levels but that's all. The graphics is borrowed from the Linux remake but thanks the smalls size it doesn't look good and it has no sound. The game is made for three languages. Move in the menu by clicking on the numbers. No level editor or list of the levels put this game only into the average level.
I have to admit I do like logic games. I even like Sokoban but Becher Sokoban isn't the best. Yes, it contains the sokoban style levels but that's all. The graphics is borrowed from the Linux remake but thanks the smalls size it doesn't look good and it has no sound. The game is made for three languages. Move in the menu by clicking on the numbers. No level editor or list of the levels put this game only into the average level.

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Becher Sokoban

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