
Creepy Crawlies

Creepy Crawlies

I personally love fast logical games. This one is fortunately not another tetris (or whatever) remake, it is based on quite original and entertaining principal and I quite liked it. Until I tried to play it against AI. The AI is really, really stupid and if it doesn't like your turn, it often just puts it back, which is embarassing. Anyway, the gameplay against a friend in multiplayer mode is great, so I can actually recommend you this one if you like this kind of games.
I personally love fast logical games. This one is fortunately not another tetris (or whatever) remake, it is based on quite original and entertaining principal and I quite liked it. Until I tried to play it against AI. The AI is really, really stupid and if it doesn't like your turn, it often just puts it back, which is embarassing. Anyway, the gameplay against a friend in multiplayer mode is great, so I can actually recommend you this one if you like this kind of games.

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