


First of all - guessing an animals isn't a game for kids. So, now we can worship the game with simple name Guess which is some sort of "Proof of concept", however it can be funny. First you have to type in a name of some animal and his ability. Then it will save to the database and game will ask you on the ability you have entered a while ago. If you answer yes, it will ask you if it's an animal you have entered. If not, it will ask you for the animal and it's ability. You are continuing by this way, game is asking you in the each round for more and more questions, so the database become really huge after while (and still solidly fast). Yes, Guess is a game for a shorter fun or experiments, but it's worth of trying.
First of all - guessing an animals isn't a game for kids. So, now we can worship the game with simple name Guess which is some sort of "Proof of concept", however it can be funny. First you have to type in a name of some animal and his ability. Then it will save to the database and game will ask you on the ability you have entered a while ago. If you answer yes, it will ask you if it's an animal you have entered. If not, it will ask you for the animal and it's ability. You are continuing by this way, game is asking you in the each round for more and more questions, so the database become really huge after while (and still solidly fast). Yes, Guess is a game for a shorter fun or experiments, but it's worth of trying.

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