
 Ancient Ruins

Ancient Ruins

Evil has awakened! Fear and terror reigns in the six mighty kingdoms! Yet there is a secret order holding the knowledge and the power to counter the evil hordes of hell. An ancient prophecy is speaking of old artefacts that could save the world. As a paladin of the secret order your quest is to make your way down into the depths of king Morkus’ crypt, find his magic shield and save an important part of the secret of the ancient prophecy. You will gain fame and glory by gathering experience points, meet more and more challenging opponents and get yourself a name among the ranks of the secret order.
Evil has awakened! Fear and terror reigns in the six mighty kingdoms! Yet there is a secret order holding the knowledge and the power to counter the evil hordes of hell. An ancient prophecy is speaking of old artefacts that could save the world. As a paladin of the secret order your quest is to make your way down into the depths of king Morkus’ crypt, find his magic shield and save an important part of the secret of the ancient prophecy. You will gain fame and glory by gathering experience points, meet more and more challenging opponents and get yourself a name among the ranks of the secret order.

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