


1Liner library of manyjokes. Nikhil Luthra created a simple application, which collects funny quotes, statements, jokes and the situation itself. Most jokes are in the current situation in English, but you can create your own libraries with the jokes. Individual items are grouped into categories which can be transferred. Appropriations through either randomly or in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of arrows left / right. If you are an operative please, you can copy it for further use. Libraries are regularly updated. To download, visit the author site licensing conditions.
1Liner library of manyjokes. Nikhil Luthra created a simple application, which collects funny quotes, statements, jokes and the situation itself. Most jokes are in the current situation in English, but you can create your own libraries with the jokes. Individual items are grouped into categories which can be transferred. Appropriations through either randomly or in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of arrows left / right. If you are an operative please, you can copy it for further use. Libraries are regularly updated. To download, visit the author site licensing conditions.

.NET Compact Framework 3.5, Windows Mobile 5.x / Windows Mobile 6.x

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