
Tower Toppler

Tower Toppler

There was never enough a quality arcade game! If any review starts by this sentence, then you can be clear how good is this game. Tower Toppler is one of the better games that I can played. You become a green creature that jumps from platform to platform (upside) and try to find a door. In each level is only one door that you have to find to progress to another level. Boring? No it isn't! Levels are fulled by dangers and traps. Don't wait any longer and download this game with perfect gameplay!
There was never enough a quality arcade game! If any review starts by this sentence, then you can be clear how good is this game. Tower Toppler is one of the better games that I can played. You become a green creature that jumps from platform to platform (upside) and try to find a door. In each level is only one door that you have to find to progress to another level. Boring? No it isn't! Levels are fulled by dangers and traps. Don't wait any longer and download this game with perfect gameplay!


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