
Panzer Assault

Panzer Assault

Panzer Assault is turn-based strategy from (not only) second world war with exceptional graphics. It's dedicated for hardcore strategists, because it's difficult is on higher level than usual. You can choose among 20 missions from all over the world - mainly Europe, north Africa or Near East. You can choose between Allies or OSA forces. Everything is historicaly exact and controls are very simple. You can play in two modes - Palm vs. Human or Human vs. Human. All you need is 1.3 MB and Palm Desktop.
Panzer Assault is turn-based strategy from (not only) second world war with exceptional graphics. It's dedicated for hardcore strategists, because it's difficult is on higher level than usual. You can choose among 20 missions from all over the world - mainly Europe, north Africa or Near East. You can choose between Allies or OSA forces. Everything is historicaly exact and controls are very simple. You can play in two modes - Palm vs. Human or Human vs. Human. All you need is 1.3 MB and Palm Desktop.


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