


Operation system Symbian is very useful thing, but it happens from time to time that over all the functions you forget for basic features such as alarm-clock. We don't have such an application for you, but at least we offer you a program which will autolock your keyboard after a time of unactivity. It runs in the background, starts silently after starting the system, don't take a lot of memory and you can set the time after which it will lock the keyboard. The big disadvatage is, if you want to turn Autolock off, you have to uninstall it. But this is the only bad thing.
Operation system Symbian is very useful thing, but it happens from time to time that over all the functions you forget for basic features such as alarm-clock. We don't have such an application for you, but at least we offer you a program which will autolock your keyboard after a time of unactivity. It runs in the background, starts silently after starting the system, don't take a lot of memory and you can set the time after which it will lock the keyboard. The big disadvatage is, if you want to turn Autolock off, you have to uninstall it. But this is the only bad thing.

Mobile phones with Symbian operation system from 60 series

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