


Finding mines is one of the most cloned mobile game - it's a logical game, but mobile display don't allow the normal view of larger grounds. But the better clones offers solid fun and FreeMines is one of them. There is nothing to explain about rules - if you don't get them, play the windows version :-). Graphics are quite nice. You can choose from three difficults which will be different in mines concentration, game field is the same. FreeMInes doesn't bring anything new, but it's nice to play and you can see some sort of prefossional work on it.
Finding mines is one of the most cloned mobile game - it's a logical game, but mobile display don't allow the normal view of larger grounds. But the better clones offers solid fun and FreeMines is one of them. There is nothing to explain about rules - if you don't get them, play the windows version :-). Graphics are quite nice. You can choose from three difficults which will be different in mines concentration, game field is the same. FreeMInes doesn't bring anything new, but it's nice to play and you can see some sort of prefossional work on it.

Mobile phones with OS Symbian from 60 series first and second edition, from UIQ series

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