
Pocket Sudoku

Pocket Sudoku

Sudoku became a very well-knowed game a long time ago, so there is no need to repeat a rules. But it doesn't degrade it's entertainment. That Pocket Sudoku is better then paper sudoku in some ways - it can generate still new sudoku in different difficulties, show your mistakes and solve sudoku for you. That all runs very nice, so the only thing I can point out is graphics that is only average. Of course that I don't want picture sudoku, but colour scheme could be better and with more options.
Sudoku became a very well-knowed game a long time ago, so there is no need to repeat a rules. But it doesn't degrade it's entertainment. That Pocket Sudoku is better then paper sudoku in some ways - it can generate still new sudoku in different difficulties, show your mistakes and solve sudoku for you. That all runs very nice, so the only thing I can point out is graphics that is only average. Of course that I don't want picture sudoku, but colour scheme could be better and with more options.

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