


1403h is similar to board game called Logic, and other similar logical puzzles. You have 10 attempts to guess 3 numbers (three-digit combinations), while you play through at least a two-digit indicator tells you whether youre on the right track. The number of indicator means the number of correct numbers in the right place, the second is the number of correctly guessed numbers, that are placed incorrectly. For example, if the right combination is 123, and I guess 132 on the indicator will be written 12 (1 right at the right place and 2 right at other locations). While playing a finger, be careful if you have chosen intended numbers to the bottom row - in this size of columns can easily happen that you switch numbers, and unnecessarily lose a valuable attempt. 1403h belong to the older games for smartphones, there are for example different versions depending on the type of processor (MIPS, ARM, SH3). My HTC is working on ARM version (which can also be found on the download link), if you feel problems when installing this version, just visti this website (, where are avaible versions for other processors, also Palm resolution version and german localisation.
1403h is similar to board game called Logic, and other similar logical puzzles. You have 10 attempts to guess 3 numbers (three-digit combinations), while you play through at least a two-digit indicator tells you whether youre on the right track. The number of indicator means the number of correct numbers in the right place, the second is the number of correctly guessed numbers, that are placed incorrectly. For example, if the right combination is 123, and I guess 132 on the indicator will be written 12 (1 right at the right place and 2 right at other locations). While playing a finger, be careful if you have chosen intended numbers to the bottom row - in this size of columns can easily happen that you switch numbers, and unnecessarily lose a valuable attempt. 1403h belong to the older games for smartphones, there are for example different versions depending on the type of processor (MIPS, ARM, SH3). My HTC is working on ARM version (which can also be found on the download link), if you feel problems when installing this version, just visti this website (, where are avaible versions for other processors, also Palm resolution version and german localisation.


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