
Mystic 8 Ball

Mystic 8 Ball

"Will Schumacher score in GP this year?" "Are you being tracked by the CIA?" "Shall you have another beer?" These and other questions you can now have answered by this clever billiard ball with the number 8.
Just press the "Ask" (entering the menu "Consult"), and your question may be a answered in a few seconds. Later you will know that only rarely can glance be asked an unanswerable question;).
"Will Schumacher score in GP this year?" "Are you being tracked by the CIA?" "Shall you have another beer?" These and other questions you can now have answered by this clever billiard ball with the number 8.
Just press the "Ask" (entering the menu "Consult"), and your question may be a answered in a few seconds. Later you will know that only rarely can glance be asked an unanswerable question;).


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