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City Siege 3 Jungle Siege

City Siege 3 Jungle Siege

The third part and game of one great series takes FreeGame into a jungle where you have to liquidate bad guys and save tens of people.
You create your own team and as the game progress you get to more and more special types of units – from soldiers to air machines. There is even possibility to give them experience and so improve them further. Most of the things in the game are destroyable but there is need to be careful. You have to safe civilians and VIP guys. Tactics is welcomed thanks the huge content of the game. The City Siege 3 Jungle Siege should have your attention not only thanks the great graphics.

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City Siege 3 Jungle Siege City Siege 3 Jungle Siege City Siege 3 Jungle Siege City Siege 3 Jungle Siege

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