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Best players Deep Creature in Mayan Caves

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Order Player score Reached on
1.davča112090903.01.13 am31 10:35
last update 25.4.2024 18:30:25

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Player score Description Reached on
davča11 20909 / score Deep Creatures Scores 03.01.13 am31 10:35
davča11 14978 / score Deep Creatures Scores 03.01.13 am31 10:30
voky15 23440 / score Deep Creatures Scores 26.12.12 pm31 12:29
voky15 60 / score Deep Creatures Scores 26.12.12 pm31 12:23
mack 15618 / score Deep Creatures Scores 26.12.12 pm31 12:11
MOZ3K 29121 / score Deep Creatures Scores 20.11.12 pm30 18:46
stepanik456 14558 / score Deep Creatures Scores 20.11.12 pm30 18:39
MOZ3K 25050 / score Deep Creatures Scores 18.11.12 pm30 19:11
MOZ3K 15391 / score Deep Creatures Scores 18.11.12 pm30 19:06
vitaliy 22720 / score Deep Creatures Scores 16.11.12 pm30 21:09
last update 25.4.2024 18:30:25


Deep Creature in Mayan Caves

Deep Creature in Mayan Caves

Have you recently had feeling to kick someone’s butt? Maybe yes but in reality you couldn’t. Try it in today’s HighScore Game.
You appear to be among Mayas ruins, your home was destroyed and thanks a volcano your treasure is gone too. But it was stolen by a big worm and taken to underground. To get it back you have to fight boars, giant insect and the only weapon you hive is kicking and jumping. The life is limited but further you get the more point you get.

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Deep Creature in Mayan Caves Deep Creature in Mayan Caves Deep Creature in Mayan Caves

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