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Best players Naval Infiltration

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.GOTorroGO4000007.03.14 pm31 22:29
2.TygrBart3060007.03.14 pm31 22:30
last update 23.4.2024 14:39:03

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
TygrBart 30600 / Score Naval Infiltration 07.03.14 pm31 22:30
GOTorroGO 40000 / Score Naval Infiltration 07.03.14 pm31 22:29
DoDoTom68 1100 / Score Naval Infiltration 28.01.14 pm31 15:11
daviddd 461600 / Score Naval Infiltration 21.01.14 am31 10:05
janice11 8100 / Score Naval Infiltration 21.01.14 am31 10:04
daviddd 165800 / Score Naval Infiltration 16.01.14 pm31 12:06
daviddd 82000 / Score Naval Infiltration 03.12.13 am31 09:20
daviddd 5400 / Score Naval Infiltration 21.11.13 am30 11:20
janice11 17400 / Score Naval Infiltration 22.04.13 pm30 13:28
WesP 349400 / Score Naval Infiltration 22.04.13 pm30 13:27
last update 23.4.2024 14:39:03


Naval Infiltration

Naval Infiltration

Naval Infiltration isn't exactly about water but it looks like a carrier which is under attack. You have made small defensive point on the upper board of the ship trying to stop all the aliens and monster. Each map is about holding you position in several waves. The beginning is truly simple. The stereotype is here too because every level is about beginning from scratch and going through the easy waves as well. Enjoy defensive turrets or building barriers.

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Naval Infiltration Naval Infiltration

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