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Best players Sky Cops

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom68442502.02.14 am28 10:39
2.WesP422001.02.14 pm28 21:01
3.TygrBart187001.02.14 pm28 19:48
last update 25.4.2024 23:06:35

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 4425 / Score Sky Cops Rank 02.02.14 am28 10:39
WesP 4220 / Score Sky Cops Rank 01.02.14 pm28 21:01
TygrBart 1870 / Score Sky Cops Rank 01.02.14 pm28 19:48
Človajs 64250 / Score Sky Cops Rank 17.01.14 pm31 14:45
DoDoTom68 2575 / Score Sky Cops Rank 17.01.14 pm31 13:41
Človajs 10920 / Score Sky Cops Rank 16.01.14 am31 10:14
Človajs 2920 / Score Sky Cops Rank 16.01.14 am31 09:38
Človajs 2500 / Score Sky Cops Rank 16.01.14 am31 09:32
pari11 2705 / Score Sky Cops Rank 13.01.14 pm31 21:24
sevilla 3095 / Score Sky Cops Rank 10.01.14 pm31 20:33
last update 25.4.2024 23:06:35


Sky Cops

Sky Cops

Air police has some work to do. Become one of them and get fighting the enemies. Are you able to get through all the levels and defend your country?
It’s a bit simple looking action shooter game where you control a rocket. As it flies it has to destroy many enemies as planes, helicopters, tanks or soldiers. Be careful, they can return the fire and any hit costs some health. You can get some of it back or use various power-ups.

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