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Best players Vectors

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.Elyon1Dstyle48006.04.14 am30 10:48
2.Flamingo13006.04.14 pm30 17:59
last update 18.4.2024 02:05:07

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Flamingo 130 / Score Highscores 06.04.14 pm30 17:59
Elyon1Dstyle 480 / Score Highscores 06.04.14 am30 10:48
DoDoTom68 560 / Score Highscores 31.03.14 pm31 14:20
daviddd 6100 / Score Highscores 14.01.14 am31 08:58
GOTorroGO 3260 / Score Highscores 14.12.13 am31 00:57
GOTorroGO 620 / Score Highscores 14.12.13 am31 00:52
daviddd 670 / Score Highscores 20.11.13 pm30 12:52
daviddd 510 / Score Highscores 20.11.13 pm30 12:49
kuba75 440 / Score Highscores 15.09.13 pm30 20:09
diviška5 320 / Score Highscores 15.09.13 pm30 20:04
last update 18.4.2024 02:05:07




Vectors brings few hundred enemies for your abreaction. In a basic graphic grid, you move with some kind of tank. The beginning is very easy just shoot few arrows and balls. But with every new level you reach their number rapidly increases and the words hundreds of targets are reality. When you destroy enough of targets you move into the next level and you can upgrade your fighter. The game gets stereotypical after some minutes.

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