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Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula

Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula

An adventure game from a dragon island where you play as a guy who’s dream is a princess, killing dragon and similar things. Point-and-click adventure with some good riddles for your brain.
Clicking adventure and riddles solving is packed into a story of a young man who has a dream. The whole dragon killing equipment is missing so you walk round the city and collect items, solve puzzles and riddles and continue the story.
The riddles were for me a bit unpleasant. If you read the dialogues you should understand what’s needed but the step by step progress of solutions was just too long and boring. A bit difficult piece turns into challenge.

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Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula

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